The Meaning of AviMark Inventory Action Codes

I'm Nicole – the educator, consultant, and speaker that created the new standard of inventory management solutions and I'm here to help practices just like yours achieve success and clarity across the nation.


The AviMark inventory module (and the whole software system) can be a bit of a conundrum. But, there are many helpful features, especially when setting up your inventory system. This is none more so than action codes. They have so many helpful functions but exactly how they work can be a bit of a mystery.

Setting up AviMark correctly can be incredibly helpful and can create a significantly more efficient inventory system. With action codes, you can print automatic drug labels, control refills, charge a prescription filling fee, or injection fee. Below you’ll find a table of all of the inventory action codes and what they accomplish.

If you need help setting up the inventory screen in AviMark, check out the Introduction to AviMark’s Inventory Screen.

AviMark’s Inventory Action Codes

AAutomatic drug labelPrompts the drug label window to display when the item is entered into medical history.
CControlled SubstanceMarks this item as a controlled drug and includes it on the controlled
substance report.
DTreatment causes deathAutomatically marks the patient as deceased when the item is entered into medical history.
EPrint one
Prompts a document for each patient that has received the same item in medical history for a client.
FInclude on travel
Includes this item on the AVImark travel sheet.
HHandling feeIncludes the handling fee with the price of the Item.
IInteger pricingRounds the price of an item that has a partial quantity to the price of the nearest whole number.
KPrompt to include in groupWhen included within a treatment group this action code will prompt you if you would like to enter the Item in medical history.
LSubject to local sales
Includes the local/PST tax to the price of this Item as defined in hospital setup.
injection fee
Includes the intramuscular fee to the price of this Item as defined in
hospital setup.
NDon’t print on patient chartSuppresses the printing this Item on the patient’s printed chart.
PPrescription feeIncludes the prescription fee to the price of this Item as defined in hospital setup.
QDon’t post to invoiceWill not include this Item on the printed invoice. This Item will be entered in medical history and displayed as already posted.
RRabies vaccinationIndicates this Item as a rabies vaccination. This action code will also prompt for the vaccine information window.
SSubject to state sales taxIncludes the state/GST tax to the price of this item as defined in hospital setup.
TSubject to state and
local sales tax
Includes both state & local/PST & GST tax to the price of this item as
defined in hospital setup.
VIntravenous injection
Includes the intravenous fee to the price of this item as defined in hospital setup.
WAuto prompt for vital signsAutomatically prompts for the Medical Condition Record (SOAP) to display when this item is entered into medical history.
XCauses sex alterationAutomatically updates the patient’s sex to spayed, neutered or gelded depending on the previous sex and species of the patient.
YAssign certificate
Automatically assigns a certificate number when this item is entered into the patient’s medical history.
ZDietary itemIncludes this item on the dietary tab at the bottom of the CID screen.
$Include price on
This action code will include the price of the item on the printed patient chart.
-Obsolete treatmentMarks a item as obsolete and grays it out on the list.
@Auto prompt for
Prompts to print the linked document. Without this action code AVImark will automatically print the liked document with the invoice.
#Don’t print form/ documentSuppresses the printing of the linked form or document.
*Auto prompt for
When entered into medical history it will automatically prompt for a notes window to enter information about the item.
?Schedule follow-up at postingThis action code will display the follow-up window when posting instead of when the item is entered into medical history.
!Show warning if
quantity is equal to 1
This action code will display a warning if the item entered in medical
history has a quantity equal to one.
^Not for retailDoes not allow the staff members to sell this item.
(Control refillsAllows you to control refills on this item if a drug label is being printed.
>Don’t print notes on chartWill not include the entered medical history notes on the printed patient chart.
=Don’t use additional
Does not allow the additional fees (intra-muscular, intravenous,
prescription, etc) to be added to the price of the item.
%Auto copy notes into
medical history
Copies entered notes on the treatment automatically into a notes window in medical history.
~Auto hide notes in medical historyWill not display the entered medical history notes on the CID screen.
[Auto prompt for the microchip numberAutomatically prompts for the patient’s microchip number and will enter the number into the patient’s area of the CID screen.