Qualified high school and college transfer students interested in pursuing an undergraduate degree for the first time and seeking a bachelor of business administration (B.B.A.) degree should apply first as a pre-business major. Students may double major in business, but may not pursue two B.B.A. degrees simultaneously or consecutively. Postbaccalaureate students are not eligible to pursue a B.B.A. degree in the Bauer College of Business.
For specific admission requirements for freshmen business, consult the University office of Admissions.
The criteria for a transfer student with 30-60 semester hours of college credit to be admitted to the Bauer College of Business as a pre-business major is a 3.25 or above cumulative grade point average, including any attempted transfer courses. Students with more than 60 semester hours of college credit must meet the same criteria, but the calculation of cumulative grade point average is based on the last 60 hours (if the 60th hour occurs in the middle of a term, all grades for that term are included in the calculation). Students must have a grade of C or better (or credit by exam) in College Algebra or a higher level mathematics course. Transfer students admitted to UH with 45 or more hours are not eligible to change their major to pre-business once they have enrolled at UH.
Current UH students who have submitted transcripts of all completed college work to the University of Houston may change their major to Pre-business if they meet the following requirements or if approved by individual review. Requests may be submitted on the Bauer Web site at: www.bauer.uh.edu/prospective.
Consult the UH policy for readmission.
Non-degree-seeking reciprocal exchange and summer visiting and transient students must meet the minimum requirements for admission to the university. These applicants are admitted on a non-degree-seeking basis in accordance with university and college guidelines for these categories of admission, and may not be admitted as degree-seeking into the undergraduate business program unless they meet the degree-seeking requirements for admission to pre-business.
Admission requirements for the Certificate of Accountancy Program (CAP) are as follows: (1) the equivalent of a four-year undergraduate degree, and (2) the minimum requirements for undergraduate admission to the university. CAP applicants are admitted on a non-degree-seeking basis and may not be admitted as degree-seeking into the undergraduate business program. (For information on the CAP, see under the Department of Accountancy and Taxation.)
Except for specifically designated courses, enrollment in advanced level business courses is limited to: