EDSITEment's Recommended Reading List for College-Bound Students

Red Badge of Courage (1895) cover

"Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested: that is, some books are to be read only in parts, others to be read, but not curiously, and some few to be read wholly, and with diligence and attention."

–Sir Francis Bacon, English author, courtier, & philosopher (1561-1626)

"Let us secure not such books as people want, but books just above their wants, and they will reach up to take what is put out for them."

–Maria Mitchell, the first American woman to work as a professional astronomer (1818-1889)

Based on the College Board’s recommended reading lists, EDSITEment has composed a guide to our lessons and reviewed websites to help prepare college-bound students.


Achebe, Chinua: Things Fall Apart

Austen, Jane: Pride and Prejudice

Brontë, Charlotte: Jane Eyre

Cather, Willa: Death Comes for the Archbishop

Chopin, Kate: The Awakening

Crane, Stephen: The Red Badge of Courage

de Cervantes, Miguel: Don Quixote

Faulkner, William: The Sound and the Fury

Fitzgerald, F. Scott: The Great Gatsby

Hawthorne, Nathaniel: The Scarlet Letter

Hemingway, Ernest: A Farewell to Arms

Hurston, Zora Neale: Their Eyes Were Watching God

Lee, Harper: To Kill a Mockingbird

London, Jack: The Call of the Wild

Marquez, Gabriel García: One Hundred Years of Solitude

Melville, Herman: Bartleby the Scrivener and Moby Dick

O'Connor, Flannery: A Good Man Is Hard to Find

Orwell, George: Animal Farm

Poe, Edgar Allan: Selected Tales

Steinbeck, John: The Grapes of Wrath

Stowe, Harriet Beecher: Uncle Tom's Cabin

Twain, Mark: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Wharton, Edith: The House of Mirth


Miller, Arthur: The Crucible

Shakespeare, William: Plays



A Midsummer Night's Dream

Romeo and Juliet

Sophocles: Antigone, Oedipus Rex



Chaucer, Geoffrey: The Canterbury Tales

Dante: Inferno

Homer: The Iliad and The Odyssey

Whitman, Walt: Leaves of Grass

Non-fiction and Autobiography

Adams, Henry: Education of Henry Adams

Douglass, Frederick: Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass

Thoreau, Henry David: Walden

X Malcolm: Autobiography of Malcolm X


Hamilton, Alexander, Jay, John, Madison, James: The Federalist Papers

King, Martin Luther: Essential Writings

Kennedy, John F: Profiles in Courage

Macchiavelli, Niccolò: The Prince

Marx, Karl: Communist Manifesto

Paine, Thomas: Common Sense

Tocqueville, Alexis de: Democracy in America

Mythology, Folklore, Fairytales

Aesop: Aesop’s Fable

Andersen, Hans Christian: Andersen’s Fairy Tales

Hamilton, Edith: Greek Mythology

Malory, Sir Thomas: Le Morte d’Arthur

Religion and Philosophy

Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics

Du Bois, W.E.B.The Souls of Black Folk

Bible, The